Vision Statement - Followers - of Christ - Under Submission - Every Day - F.O.C.U.S.E.D
To be a people concentrating on reaching the masses by extending the hand of God, that leads to expressing the hope in God, which results in experiencing a heart for God. We will do this by being
F.O.C.U.S.E.D.-— Followers of Christ Under Submission Every Day (Vision Statement).
The vision statement of New Vision Church of Bay Area is intended to be a clear, compelling picture of what our church and its ministries can be and must be in the future in order for our church to carry out God’s Great Commission, which is connecting people to Christ and equipping believers for spiritual maturity. Our prayers and dreams are rooted in the belief that we are to put God first and love our neighbors. Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. (Matthew 28:19-20) We envision to help launch a spiritual renewal and revival within the Bay Area of Houston, TX.
We envision a worship center seating hundreds that offers multiple, creative and inspiring styles of authentic worship for families of all ages, ethnic and special needs groups. The multiple styles of worship are freely accepted and practiced; where unity is protected and encouraged but uniformity is not required. We envision worship that is joyful, reverent and creative; where music and media is Christ-honoring and relevant to all generations. The worship center will be up-to-date, beautiful and aesthetically pleasing with state-of-the-art technology. We envision the worship center and other satellite locations a place where God is living and active, where the hurting, depressed, the frustrated and confused can find love, acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness, guidance, and encouragement.
We envision that prayer will always be our first resort instead of our last plea. We believe prayer is our privilege from God, not a burden. We believe every believer has full access to Christ and will seek to pray corporately and individually as the foundation for all we do and for every initiative we take. We envision many active small prayer groups meeting in order that the Holy Spirit increasingly be felt in homes, thereby continuing out into businesses, education and politics. We envision a prayer room that is manned around the clock taking prayer requests from all forms of communication.
We envision our church a safe place where we accept one another and are accepted, love and are loved, encourage and are encouraged, forgive and are forgiven, serve and are served; where friendships are made and relationships formed that last an eternity. We envision a church where its members intentionally cultivate intimate friendships; where unity abounds and help one another to overcome all the obstacles of the world. Fellowship will be encouraged and developed corporately, in small groups and individually, modeled after the early church as described in (Acts 2:1-47).
We envision a church where everyone serves and everyone is served. Each member is encouraged to discover their spiritual gifts and have a desire to serve joyfully by reaching outside themselves to build up God’s Kingdom. We envision people serving God in diverse ways with mutual love, encouragement, respect and unity; where past traditions form the foundations for new innovations. We envision hundreds of men and women, youth as well adults, being effectively trained and equipped to serve Christ within or outside our church; where people find real help, experience real change and discover real answers.
We envision fostering new church starts, commissioning new missionaries and ordaining new ministers as God calls them into His service. We will reach our community, region and world through outreach and involvement. We envision as a result of intensive missions education, supporting and sending people on domestic mission trips and international mission trips. We envision a ministry building for those in need that will include a food pantry, clothing shop, and household items for those in need. We envision a ministry that provides counseling/education by trained personnel.
We envision a church where each member with spiritual gifts of leading and organizing will be developed, challenged and prepared for lives of service. Educational classes will be offered, mentoring relationships developed and training provided for God called leadership roles. Those in leadership will be respected because of their deep commitment to serving Christ. We envision a church where members understand there are varying degrees of leadership; based on Biblical principles that can be utilized to serve Christ. We envision additional staff meeting the needs of our church ministries.
We envision that each church member will be in a Bible study class or group taught by trained teachers. We believe that the Bible is the inspired, living and active word of God, which is without error and the sole authority for life and faith. We believe in a church that constantly asks, “What does the Bible say?”. Creative culture relevant teaching will be the norm and as a result each adult and youth will be involved in improved loving lifestyles. All members will be encouraged to grow and mature into fully functioning followers of Christ. Through doctrinally-sound, systematic and cohesive programs of varying methods involved learners of all ages will be developed. Everyone will regularly read the Bible to seek God’s wisdom and will. Parents and children will be provided the opportunity to learn the same Biblical content so that parental involvement is taught and encouraged at home. There will be attractive facilities for children, youth and senior adults where excellence and creativity are immediately noticed.
We envision a church where the salvation of souls is the norm and, not the exception; where all members are taught different methods of evangelism and given the freedom to choose their personal way to share Jesus with all age, cultures and ethnic groups. We believe evangelism should be promoted, encouraged and expected of staff, leaders and teachers who faithfully enlist all members to become involved in witnessing and leading others to salvation through repentance of sin and faith in Jesus Christ.